Women: World Changers
(8 MP3 files and 8 PDF notes)
Where are the women in the Lord’s army? Where are the mothers of the faith who are called to be radical deliverers? Our greatest enemy is ourselves. Learn from the women of old who changed their world … and realize that God wants to use you to change your world too! For God to radically transform your church, your city, your nation, or the world, you must first have a personal radical visitation with God yourself. Psa. 68:11 says, “The Lord gives the word [of power]; the women who bear and publish [the news] are a great host.” This great company of women needs to arise and be world changers!
- Mary: A Radical Forerunner
- Esther: Extending the Golden Scepter
- Changing History through Radical Prayer (Mordecai & Esther)
- Awake, Deborah, Awake
- Holy Spirit: Best Friend of the Bridegroom (Rebekah & Song of Solomon)
- From Brokenness to Bridal Love (Joshua & Rahab)
- The Price Behind the Anointing (2 parts)
This is an MP3 downloadable set. You can download them individually, with the PDF notes
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