Is the Master in Your Midst?
(2 MP3 Files and 2 PDF Notes)
Is the Master In Your Midst?
When the news came to Eli that his sons had been killed, his response was, “but what about the Ark?” The Ark of the Covenant was the most precious possession that Israel owned. Is the presence of God your most cherished treasure?
Are you willing to cry out for His Glory and be a carrier of His presence so that destiny is released through you, your church and your city? Does your heart long to go behind the veil and touch the hem of His garment? Is the presence of the living Christ so precious to you that He can find a resting place in you? May your heart be stirred to a holy jealousy for His glory to touch your life!
Governmental Keys From The Life of David
Do you want to bring the raw presence and glory of the Lord into your home and everyday life? David broke with 500 years of tradition when he brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. Are you a radical who is willing to go against the grain to carry His glory?
David went through great times of suffering and affliction under Saul’s reign. It was in those times that he grew in intimacy with the Lord. Many of the Psalms were birthed out of this time of brokenness. Fire and zeal exploded in David’s heart as he was given revelation, strategies, and keys to usher in the glorious presence of the Lord. In this teaching, you will learn how you can apply these same principles in your own sphere of influence in both the church and the secular world.
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