Intercession and Divine Encounters
(2 MP3 Files and 2 PDF notes)
Changing History through Radical Prayer
Outside the palace walls Mordecai stands, a strategic gate-keeper, crying out in prophetic intercession to stop the demonic decrees to exterminate the entire Jewish nation. From the inner courts, in her royal robes, Queen Esther summons her people to fast and pray for a miracle. Two hands join and the destiny of a nation is changed forever. In this teaching, Jill powerfully and prophetically preaches on how God is fulfilling the Malachi 4 mandate, bringing two generations together in radical prophetic intercession to save His people. This CD will empower you to be one who stands in the counsel of the Lord, possessing governmental authority in the heavens, to battle both in the courts of heaven and of men, reversing the decrees of death over your life, your family and your nation.
When the Lord Breaks In…
Do you feel unqualified or unworthy for a visitation? Jill’s teaching shatters illusions and misunderstandings by revealing how God visits His people, not based upon their goodness, but because of His own. She sheds light on the supernatural by offering live clips from interviews and incredible testimonies of men and women, much like you, who experienced life-changing visitations. In this CD, you will journey to the throne room of God, marvel at the four living creatures, stand in amazing awe of your Maker and gain greater desperation for God.
A favorite among the Master Potter staff, this album offers two radical CD’s for truly radical believers. Warning to listener: The Lord will break in suddenly!
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